10 April 2012

Day 2: Miami beach - Holmes Beach

Our internal clock needs still some adjusting, and as mentioned we woke up relatively early. After a bagel/scrambled egg breakfast we headed to the beach. There was no-one there! We enjoyed few hours of reading and listening to the waves and headed back to the hotel around 11. Then it was time to checkout and locate our car.

After 15 mins walk (with R bravely walking with the 20+ kg backpack) we found Alamo/National car rental. And we were not the only ones who had decided to spend the Easter Monday in a nicely air conditioned office in Miami Beach. After good 1 hour of waiting it was our turn. In the mean time we could hear quite some stories of car rental going bad. If we would understand spanish, we could've hear some more stories still.

We managed to get our car without too big problems, and it actually is quite nice. The trunk is however smaller than we could ever have imagined.

The tank was completely empty, so first stop was Shell with 4,99/ gallon. Phew.. Not cheap! We drove few miles with the top down, but with 28 degrees and direct sunlight we soon decided to have the roof back on. Also because we didn't get to buying sunscreen yet.. I decided then to make a rapid and well considered decision and stopped by the side of the road in a middle of the highway to get a roof on top of our heads.

The drive was 200+ miles of above scenery. Straight road surrounded by the Everglades for the first 100 miles.

Our destination was a less known Anna Maria island on the west coast of Florida. After trying out few motels we found ours, a nice resort nearby the beach. The reception included some interesting evidence of popular people visiting the place. We were negotiating the price when the owner started to look at R and then said, "hey, you look like the Titanic guy" after which he turned to a guy sitting behind him looking for some confirmation. The situation ended him wanting to take a picture with R while giving us also some nice discount on the room prices. Well, whatever helps save money, right... :-)

We went to a local bbq house for some dinner and now we are trying our best to stay awake. Few pics to share the beautiful scenery from the Gulf of Mexico.

And some lessons learned today

And no, no shopping yet even though passing few outlets



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